Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils

by Carolyn L. Mein, D.C.

Course Begins February 1, 2025

Student & Alumni Access

With Young Living Essential Oils

Master Class with Dr. Carolyn Mein and LeeYen Anderson
With Optional Practitioner Certification

Become certified as an Emotional Wisdom with Essential Oils Coach with Dr. Carolyn Mein, D.C., Author of Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils and The 25 Body Type System™, and LeeYen Anderson, MPIA, CNC, LSH Certified Aromatherapy Coach and Certified Coach Trainer.

"Gleaned from 40 years' worth of my own clinical experience, these are the tools and techniques I have developed and refined for my own career, and now I am sharing them with you." - Dr. Carolyn L. Mein


This training will change the way you relate to yourself and others. Learn to understand the messages from your emotional body and coach others to do the same.

After this 12-week training, you will be equipped with a protocol in which to hold space for someone to gain awareness of an unconscious emotional pattern to recognize...understanding the way out and to clear the cellular memory stored in the body using essential oils.

This 12-week Training Course includes:

  • Lifetime access to over 50 hours of recorded live classes including lessons, instruction, and practice
  • Over 20 hours of pre-recorded content
  • Extensive course materials and presentations
  • Your personalized BodyType Profile Report
  • Streaming access to Chakra Harmony video
  • Promotional rate for first year Oils Lookup subscription
  • 3 live calls with Dr. Carolyn Mein and LeeYen Anderson

Certification is optional and requires the fulfillment of these requirements:

  • View all pre-recorded lessons and 1 recorded live call from each week
  • Complete weekly homework
  • Submit 2 videos of you coaching 2 different people (max 20 min)
  • Submit 3 Case Studies for evaluation
  • Attend at least 2 Q&A calls
  • Pay certification fee of $111

Certification Includes:

  • 8.5x11" Coach Certificate signed by Dr. Carolyn Mein and LeeYen Anderson
  • Directory listing as a Certified Coach on Dr. Mein's website
  • Discounted body type tests and Profile books and ebooks for your clients

Course Schedule:

  • February 1, 2025 - Course Begins
  • Saturday March 1, 2025 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time - Module 1 Live Call Session
  • Saturday April 5, 2025 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time - Module 2 Live Call Session
  • Saturday May 3, 2025 at 8:00 AM Pacific Time - Module 3 Live Call Session
  • Friday July 11, 2025 - (Optional) Certification Completion

Course Materials

The texbook for this course will be "Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils" - the 2023 Edition (25 Year Anniversary). This can be purchased on Carolyn Mein's Website or on as a paperback or for Kindle.

Demonstrations throughout the course will use various Young Living essential oils and blends. To follow along we recommend having as many of them as is feasible for you. Upon registration you will receive a list of the oils used in each module to help you choose which to purchase (if desired) and when.

All other course materials will be provided by download when the course begins.


Comments from recent students:

"This course is life changing. I have been exploring other emotional healing modalities and coaching like NLP and I found this modality more effective with my clients and friends."

"I loved the self-healing focus of this course. I am excited to reach new levels of healing while working with clients now with my new emotional wisdom certification."

"No source I have encountered has explained this so clearly and completely as this one. It was truly the missing link in all I\ve learned so far."

"I took the course hoping to be of service to my friends, acquaintances and clients, but didn't realize that I needed emotional work myself until we started. I learned the process of bringing up buried emotions and releasing them. I recommend this course to everyone!"

"This course has helped me to understand my underlying emotions that manifested in my life and in my body. It also helps me to understand my husband and son - why they behave in certain ways because of their body type and core emotional issues."

"This is an experiential course and transformative by starting from self first. I am so grateful to have participated in the course. I had a lot of aha moments and released a lot of burdens from my body. It is one of the best EO classes I've taken. Thank you so much for creating this insightful course."

Emotional Wisdom Registration
Price:$ 1,888.00
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