Carolyn L. Mein, D.C.
Founder and Author
Carolyn L. Mein, D.C. discovered the 25 Body Type SystemTM in pursuit of the optimal nutrition plan for her patients. She also discovered personality profiles for each of the 25 body types, which included Core Emotional Issues – key challenges common to those sharing the same body type.
It was these Core Emotional Issues that led to the technique introduced in "Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils". In seeking a solution to these emotional patterns for her patients, she looked at various therapies, seeking one that would address emotional patterns engrained at all levels of being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (cellular memory).
Dr. Mein was aware that Gary Young (founder of Young Living Essential Oils) had visited an ancient Egyptian temple along the Nile where emotional healing was done with essential oils. She expanded this technique to include the higher vibration of each “negative” emotion, creating a pathway through the emotion rather than merely blocking it. With the affirmation statement and the acupuncture alarm points, the technique was perfected, accessing all four levels of the being.
Carolyn L. Mein, D.C. is a pioneer in health and nutrition. Her expertise is in synthesizing and developing the most effective means of healing to achieve and maintain optimal health. In 1983, after nine years of research, Dr. Mein combined chiropractic and acupuncture to form Transpersonal Physiology.
Dr. Mein holds degrees in chiropractic, acupuncture, bio-nutrition, and is a Fellow of American Council of Applied Clinical Nutrition (F.A.C.A.C.N.). She is a charter member and diplomate of the International College of Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Mein maintains an active private practice in Rancho Santa Fe, CA.
A nationally known lecturer, Dr. Mein is the author of "Different Bodies, Different Diets". Based on over 20 years of nutritional research and practical experience, she identified 25 distinct body types and their specific diets. A person’s body type is determined by one’s dominant gland, organ or system which also reveals disease tendencies and basic psychological traits. Her remarkable research has proven to be a dietary breakthrough. For the first time, there is a system that puts all diets into perspective and allows people to easily discover their ideal diet.
Contact Dr. Mein
Carolyn L. Mein, D.C.
PO Box 8112
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
16236 San Dieguito Road
Fairbanks Village Plaza
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92091
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